Dedicated to the Advancement of Training and Professional Development in the Transportation Service Industry

The ASE Training Managers Council (ATMC) presents their prestigious National Excellence in Training Award to industry firms  in recognition of their highly effective or innovative training programs. These awards are given annually and are designed to emphasize the importance of training to the success of the transportation industry.


General Motors and Vertex Professional Services (Grand Award)

Automotive Video Innovations (AVI)

Raritan Valley Community College 


Penske Truck Leasing (Grand Award)

DRiV Inc. 

Subaru of America 


L to R: Matt Shepanek, ATMC President; Holly Gerke, L to R: Matt Shepanek, ATMC President; Dennis Sheran - Andrew Jablonowski 

VP Maintenance Development and Technical Training

at Penske Truck Leasing ; Glenn Dahl, ATMC Past Chair

L to R: Matt Shepanek, ATMC President;

Chris Toros, Sr. Technical Training Developer at

Subaru of America; Glenn Dahl, ATMC Past Chair


Allison Transmission (Grand Award)

NAPA Autotech (Grand Award)

Automotive Video Innovations 


Motorcoach Industries (Grand Award)

Great Dane

Allison Transmission


  Motor Coach Industries (Grand Award)


Allison Transmission



L to R,  Jim Goepfrich, ATMC Chair;  Dr Mark Quarto, Quarto Technical Services; 
Scott Crawford, Motor coach Industries; Bob Stewart, ACDelco.


L to R:  Bridgestone Retail Operations and NAPA Auto Tech, Mike Phillips; Grand Award, Motor Coach Industries, Scott Crawforcd;
Shell Oil Company, Chris Dykes; ATMC President, Dave Milne



            Allan Blasck, for GM and Raytheon               Steve Zack, for Bosch Automotive, OTC            Grand Award, Scott Crawford, for MCI 



L to R: Mike Phillips (NAPA Auto Parts); Stuart Flatow (PERC); Micheal Smyth (NAFTC)); Danielle Kunce and Lisa Crowe (KPA); Holly Gerke (ATMC Chair)


(L to R) Dave Milne (ATMC President), Grand Award Winners Dan Askey (President) and Mike Philips (VP Development) for NAPA Auto Parts: Danielle Kunce (Multimedia Designer) and Lisa Crowe (Training Content Developer) for KPA; George Arrants (Training Program Director) and Keith Littleton (Training Program Coordinator) for WheelTime Network; Holly Gerke (ATMC Chair)





The Recipients include:

Bridgestone Retail Operations in conjunction with CARQUEST Technical Institute for their program, The Logical Troubleshooting Process
Coordinating Committee for Automotive Repair (CCAR) for their program, HazmatU
General Motors in conjunction with Raytheon Professional Services LLC for their program, Service Technical College

Genuine Parts Company / NAPA Auto Parts for their program, SalesPRO Selling Skills

KPA for their program, Hazard Communication GHS

Mack and Volvo Truck Academies in partnership with WyoTech, for their program, Diesel Advanced Technology Education (DATE) for Mack Trucks and Volvo Trucks

NAPA AutoTech for their program, EVAP Guru

Nissan North America, Inc for their program, Nissan and Infiniti Basic Electrical Concepts

National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium for their program, Electric Drive Vehicle Automotive Technician Training





Left to Right, Back Row: Dave Milne, ATMC Pres; Laura Payette, KPA; Bobby Bassett, ATMC Chair; Lirel Holt CCAR (U-ink); Darrell Rowe, Bridgestone Retail Operations; Front Row: Charlie Ayers, CCAR; Dan Askey, NAPA AUTO PARTS; Judy Moore, NAFTC; Holly Gerke, Penske Truck Leasing; Jim Goepfrich, NAPA AUTOTECH.

The recipients include: KPA for their program DOT Hazardous Materials; Bridgestone Retail Operations for their program Owning the Customer Experience; Coordinating Committee for Automotive Repair (CCAR) for their program Safety and Pollution Prevention; NAPA AUTO PARTS for their program LEAD; National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium (NAFTC) for their Clean Cities Program, Petroleum Reduction Technologies; Penske Truck Leasing for their program DE/ME Preventative Maintenance Certification; NAPA AUTOTECH for their program Ford Diesel Power Stroke Summit.





The recipients include: Federal Mogul Technical Education Center for their program ABS, Stability and Traction Control Diagnosis; The National Alternative Fuels Training Consortium for their program Electric Drive Vehicle First Responder Safety Training; NAPA AutoTech for their program Volumetric Efficiency with Pressure Wave Forms; and The Natural Gas Vehicle Institute for their program CNG Vehicle Fuel System Inspector.



Bridgestone Retail Operations, LLC,    On Track to Safety

Delmar Cengage Learning,    Technician Test Preparation 

Delphi Products & Service Solutions,  CAN Data and Multiplexing     

Jiffy Lube International,  Jiffy Lube University     
Volvo Cars of North America,   Precision Measurement               





NAPA Auto Parts

NAPA FastTrack Learning System





Overview of Biodiesel

Traditional Leader-Led Training


Melior, Inc.

Today’s Class



International Truck and Engine Corp.

International Electrical System

Tester and Smart Battery Charger

Technical Merit




Jiffy Lube International, Inc.
J-Team Service Standards

Blended Training


Tweedle Litho Company

Ford Technical Support Operations (TSO)
Diesel Engine Performance Diagnosis

Traditional Leader-Led Training


Federal Mogul - Tech. Education Center
TEC 201 Brake-Diagnostics / Intro to ABS

Strategic Solutions Group, Inc
for Visteon Nashville Glass Plant
Gravity Sag Line Web-based Traing Portal

CDX Global
Shell Autoserv Vehicle Servicing -elearning


ATech Training, Inc.
AIPC Invitational OBD-II Workshop

Parts Professional Training


Carquest Corporation
Carquest Techical Institute

SPX/Valley Forge

Technical Training Institute (TTi)


East Training Inc

International Truck and Engine Corporation

Meinike Muffler Inc


General Motors Service Parts Operations


Harley Davidson University
Technical Training at HQ Milwaukee

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